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Avoid the Runaround

Contracts pave the path to turf and track investments

You won't get the runaround when utilizing contract purchasing for your next turf and track project.

In fact, 10 suppliers have been awarded contracts to make your next investment seamless.

AstroTurf, A-Turf, FieldTurf, ForeverLawn, Hellas Construction, H2I Group, Mondo USA Inc., Shaw Sports Turf, Sprinturf, and Turf Nation have all been awarded contracts in this category, making their products and services available through cooperative purchasing.

These contracts offer access to indoor and outdoor artificial turf and running track surfaces; related equipment, options, accessories, technology, materials, and supplies; and services for installation, removal, disposal, refurbishment, inspection, repair, and maintenance of surfaces.

“Turf isn't just for the ballfield anymore,” says Sourcewell Senior Category Development Administrator Jill Beaupre. “The artificial turf and track industries continue to evolve and improve on performance and functionality. These quality surfacing solutions are an important aspect for public agencies in a wide variety of recreation and athletics, including landscape surfacing, dog parks, and much more.”


Following a competitive solicitation process, Sourcewell awarded cooperative purchasing contracts offering access to these suppliers:

AstroTurf | 031622-AST 
Turf fields, running tracks, tennis courts, and indoor and outdoor sports surfaces.

A-Turf | 031622-ATF
Provider of athletic fields across the nation: From baseball to professional football, college single-sport stadiums to high school multi-sport fields, public or private indoor practice facilities to outdoor tournament complexes.

FieldTurf | 031622-FTU
FieldTurf synthetic turf, artificial turf surfacing, Beynon running track surfaces, Tarkett indoor athletic floors, tennis and outdoor courts, civil site work, athletic facilities, sports construction, polyurethane surfaces, gym sports and fitness flooring, and pickleball courts.

ForeverLawn | 031622-FVL
Indoor and outdoor synthetic turf, artificial grass, athletic and playground surfacing, turf fields, synthetic flooring, product and supply installation, field systems, and maintenance.

Hellas Construction | 031622-HLC
Running tracks, post tension tennis courts, synthetic turf fields and replacement, running track and tennis court resurfacing, and design and build services.

H2I Group | 031622-H2I
Indoor turf applications, synthetic turf systems, athletic fields, foul poles and goal posts, bleachers and dugouts, pre-engineered shade structures, track surfaces and equipment, baseball backstop and netting, batting cages, tennis court surfacing, soccer goals, and associated installation and services.

Mondo USA, Inc. | 031622-MUI
Design, build, and installation; athletic sport surfaces; indoor and outdoor running, hydraulic, portable, and banked tracks; multipurpose gymnasiums; tennis courts; and resurfacing and line marking.

Shaw Sports Turf | 031622-SII
Product and construction consultation, ground removal and preparation, specification and design support, logo and field markings, infill placement, field inspection, maintenance and care, synthetic sports turf field design, reclamation/recycle/reuse programs, alternative infills, and performance shock pads.

Sprinturf | 031622-SNT
Artificial and synthetic turf systems, multi-sport playing surfaces, university sport facilities, professional and recreational sports fields, artificial and field turf manufacturing, and turf installation.

Turf Nation | 031622-TNA 
Supply and installation of artificial and landscape turf; stadium surfaces and conversions; removable arena surfaces; sports field construction; maintenance services and equipment; infill supply and replacement; storage solutions, including racks, carts, and trailers; wall and sport padding; and Matrax flooring turf protection.


Sourcewell cooperative purchasing offers choice, value, and peace of mind. Contracts are competitively solicited and delivered through your local dealer or representative. Search our contracts to expand your purchasing options.

Learn more by contacting our client relations team at 877-585-9706 or email.