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Upcoming Webinar Series - Emergency Preparedness: Procurement Super Heroes

Brought to you by the National Cooperative Procurement Partners

The procurement office plays a pivotal role in an agency's response to emergencies. Preparedness begins well before a storm or civil disturbance happens. Learn the important steps your procurement team can take before, during, and after emergencies to best support your entity -  Register Today!

Who: Procurement Professionals

What: Three-part Webinar Series -  “Emergency Preparedness: Procurement Super Heroes - No Cape Required!”

When: Three opportunities
Wednesday, May 9, 2018 @ 2 p.m., EST - Part I
Wednesday, June 13, 2018 @ 2 p.m., EST - Part II
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 @ 2 p.m., EST - Part III


Learn more & Register - Registration is FREE! Each Webinar qualifies for one hour of continuing education credit.


Part I - “The Calm Before the Crisis: Preparation with No Pressure”
Wednesday, May 9 - 2 p.m., EST

Emergency Preparedness starts WAY before the actual disaster hits your area. And emergencies can come in many forms - natural disasters, civil disturbances, disease epidemics or major industrial or transportation accidents. NCPP's first webinar will address how to plan for the unexpected - while you still have time and resources at your disposal. Do you actually know what needs to be a part of your emergency policies? FEMA has strict requirements on policies that should already be set up ahead of time - do you know what they are? Do you know the top 10 contracts that should be in place before disaster strikes? Long before the emergency, discover how to create an emergency procurement plan, have master contracts in place, design an emergency policy and establish emergency P-cards. Procurement professionals across the nation will share their own stories on how they prepared their agencies for emergencies. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the role of procurement during an emergency
  • Learn the importance and legal standing of a “state of emergency” declaration
  • Discover the key components that need to be in place within your policies and procedures
  • Recognize the specific steps that FEMA may require to address the immediate emergency
  • Understand what contracts need to already be in place and how to set up an emergency P-card
  • Ask the Expert segment will include consultative knowledge and successful strategies to prepare

Panelists: Carrie Woodell, Orange County BOC, FL; Adam Manne, Prince William County, VA ; Jeffrey Tews, Fleet Services Manager, City of Milwaukee, WI

Ask the Expert: Mike Martinet, The Martinet Group



Part II - “In the Eye of the Storm, Where the only Safe Ship is Leadership”
Wednesday, June 13 - 2 p.m., EST

Featuring real stories from procurement professionals who have weathered a storm, will share their own EOC experiences and arrived on the other side with the knowledge to share with others. This session will cover packing a “go-to” bag with essential items to allow you to work remotely, operating without power or water, establishing flexibility into the plan, creating communication with staff and first responders, and establishing a paper trail and tracking process for eventual reporting and FEMA reimbursement. And contingency plans - do you have a backup plan in case you are blocked from getting to the EOC or your regular workspace? What if your suppliers cannot fulfill their contractual obligations due to impacts on their own resources. Our addition of a subject matter “Ask the Expert” will add depth to the regulatory requirements of when an emergency is really an emergency and when it moves into a recovery phase - there are different procurement rules for both!

Learning Objectives:

  • Recognize the essentials for conducting procurement business from an alternative location
  • Discover ways to have backup contingency plans for the unexpected
  • Identify ways that contracts can be quickly put in place for an emergency
  • Learn what type of accounting and tracking systems are needed for reports and FEMA
  • Realize the human toll on your own procurement teams while handling the emergency
  • Ask the Expert segment will include consultative knowledge and successful strategies to handle immediate emergencies while thinking about future reimbursements

Panelists: Rochelle Lowe, County of San Diego, CA; Shelley Vineyard, Humbel USD, TX

Ask the Expert: Norma Houston, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill



Part III - “Over the Rainbow - Finding Your Yellow Brick Road”
Wednesday, July 11 - 2 p.m., EST

Once the media crews leave, and the immediate life and death emergency has passed, you still have a whole lot more work to do. NCPP's 3rd and final webinar will address how to wear multiple hats as you continue dealing with the recent emergency, handle long-term projects such as restoring service and debris removal, all the while balancing your normal job tasks. It will specifically address FEMA requirements and future audits, contract compliance and vendor-performance issues, construction and debris removal, electrical and other infrastructure problems. Recovery after an emergency is the most detailed and often overlooked part of preparedness, but understand that procurement will be involved for weeks and months after the immediate threat. 

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with the details related to debris removal contracting - benefits and pitfalls
  • Know when Job Order Contracting might be a viable solution for repairs
  • Understand long-term FEMA requirements and what might be audited in the future
  • Establish the long-term contracts or processes that might be needed throughout the recovery
  • Ask the Expert segment will include consultative knowledge on anticipating and preparing for FEMA review and potential audit.

Panelists: Curt DeCapite, City of Colorado Spring, CO; Maria Pirona, Orange County Public Works, CA; Robert Waremburg, Orange County Public Schools, FL

Ask the Expert: Dr. Kim Abrego, President of Disaster Recovery & Risk Solutions, LLC